What is a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit?

What is a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit?

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Are you looking for a stylish and eco-friendly way to heat your outdoor living space? Then a bio ethanol fire pit might be just what you need. In this article, we’ll explain what is a bio ethanol fire pit?, how it works, and the benefits of using one. We’ll also provide some tips on buying and using a bio ethanol fire pit safely.

What is a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit?

A bio ethanol fire pit is a type of fire pit that burns bio ethanol fuel. Bio ethanol is a renewable fuel made from plant materials, such as corn, sugar cane, and potatoes.

It’s a popular choice for fire pits because it burns cleanly and produces no smoke or ash. Bio ethanol fire pits are also portable, so you can move them around your outdoor living space as needed.

If you already know that you want a Bio Ethanol fire pit, head on over to our shop where you can find some fine examples.

What is Bio Ethanol?

Bio ethanol is a type of alcohol that is made from renewable plant sources. It’s a clear, colorless liquid that is produced through the fermentation of sugars in plant materials. Bio ethanol can be used as a fuel source for a variety of applications, including fire pits, stoves, and lamps.

Compared to other fuel sources for fire pits, such as wood or propane, bio ethanol has several advantages. For one, it produces no smoke or ash, so it’s a cleaner burning fuel. It’s also easy to store and transport, and it’s readily available at many retailers.

How Does a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit Work?

A bio ethanol fire pit consists of a burner, a fuel source, and a container to hold the fuel. The burner is typically made of stainless steel and has several small holes to allow the flame to burn evenly. The fuel source is a liquid bio ethanol fuel, which is poured into the container and ignited to create a flame.

Bio ethanol fire pits work by using the heat from the flame to warm the surrounding area. They’re designed to be used outdoors, so they’re typically made of weather-resistant materials, such as steel or concrete.

Benefits of a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit

Using a bio ethanol fire pit has several benefits, including:

Environmental benefits

Bio ethanol is a renewable fuel source, which means it’s better for the environment than fossil fuels like propane. It produces no smoke or ash, so it doesn’t contribute to air pollution. And because it’s made from plant materials, it’s a sustainable source of energy.

Convenience and ease of use

Bio ethanol fire pits are easy to use and require no special installation or ventilation. You simply fill the fuel container and light the flame. They’re also portable, so you can move them around your outdoor living space as needed.

Versatility in placement

Bio ethanol fire pits can be placed almost anywhere outdoors, as long as there’s a flat surface to support them. They don’t require a gas line or electrical outlet, so you can place them away from the house or other structures.

Are Bio Ethanol Fire Pits Safe?

Like any fire pit, bio ethanol fire pits can be dangerous if not used properly. Some potential safety hazards include:

  • Burns from the flame or hot surfaces
  • Spills or leaks of the fuel
  • Fire hazards if the fire pit is not placed on a flat, stable surface

To use a bio ethanol fire pit safely, follow these tips:

  • Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Use a fire pit that is appropriate for the size of your outdoor living space.
  • Place the fire pit on a flat, stable surface away from flammable materials.
  • Keep the fuel container closed when not in use.
  • Do not add fuel to the fire pit while the flame is burning.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of sand nearby in case of emergency.

Buying a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit

If you’re considering buying a bio ethanol fire pit, there are several factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Choose a fire pit that is appropriate for the size of your outdoor living space.
Look for a fire pit that is made of weather-resistant materials, such as stainless steel or concrete.
Consider the design of the fire pit and how it will fit in with the rest of your outdoor decor.
Look for a reputable brand that has good reviews and a proven track record of safety and quality.

Below you’ll find four of the best selling bio ethanol fire pits currently available from Amazon.

ROUNDFIRE Concrete Table Top Fire Pit

Roundfire Table Top Bio Ethanol Fire Pit

The ROUNDFIRE Concrete Table Top Fire Pit is a stylish and functional bio ethanol fire pit designed for use on outdoor tables or other flat surfaces. It’s made of high-quality concrete and stainless steel, making it both durable and weather-resistant.

This fire pit is fueled by bio ethanol, which is a renewable fuel source made from plant materials. It produces no smoke or ash, making it a cleaner-burning option than traditional wood-burning fire pits. The ROUNDFIRE Concrete Table Top Fire Pit is also easy to use, with a simple ignition process and adjustable flame intensity.

One of the standout features of the ROUNDFIRE Concrete Table Top Fire Pit is its sleek and modern design. It’s a perfect addition to any outdoor living space, adding both warmth and ambiance to your outdoor gatherings. The concrete base is available in several colors to match your existing decor, and the stainless steel burner adds a contemporary touch.

When it comes to safety, the ROUNDFIRE Concrete Table Top Fire Pit has several features that ensure safe use. It has a built-in flame snuffer to extinguish the flame when needed, and the burner is designed to prevent fuel spillage. Additionally, the fire pit has a protective ring around the burner to prevent accidental burns.

Overall, the ROUNDFIRE Concrete Table Top Fire Pit is a stylish and functional bio ethanol fire pit who’s modern design makes it a great choice for those looking to enhance their outdoor space.

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HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit

HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit

The HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit is a compact and portable fire pit that is perfect for use on tables, countertops, or other flat surfaces. It’s fueled by bio ethanol, a renewable energy source made from plant materials, and produces no smoke or ash, making it a clean-burning option for heating your outdoor living space.

One of the standout features of the HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit is its compact size and portability. It’s easy to move from one location to another, making it a versatile option for outdoor gatherings. It also has a simple and easy-to-use design, with a single control knob for adjusting the flame intensity.

Despite its small size, the HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit provides ambiance to your outdoor living space for up to 2 hours on a single fill of bio ethanol fuel.

When it comes to safety, the HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit has several features that ensure safe use. It has a built-in flame snuffer to extinguish the flame when needed, and the burner is designed to prevent fuel spillage. Additionally, the fire pit has a protective glass shield to prevent accidental burns and keep the flame contained.

Overall, the HomeBuddy Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fire Pit is a convenient and eco-friendly option. Its compact size and portability make it a versatile option for outdoor gatherings, while its clean-burning fuel source and safety features make it a practical choice for those who want to enjoy the ambiance of a fire pit without the hassle and environmental impact of traditional wood-burning fire pits.

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Modern Table Top Fire Pit

Modern Table Top Fire Pit

This modern table top fire pit is designed to be lightweight and easily transportable, allowing you to move it anywhere you desire.

It’s a great addition to any room, providing a warm and inviting ambiance. The latest version of the burner features a stainless steel wire inner cool wick that makes it safer and more durable.

Equipped with a 0.5L ethanol fuel burner, two tempered glass panes, and one snuffer tool, the tabletop fire pit can produce up to 2,000 BTUs, warming a room of up to 250 sq. ft.

The fire bowl is incredibly easy to use, requiring no electricity, gas, chimney, or gel cans. Simply pour bio ethanol fuel into the canister and light it up for an instant source of warmth and comfort.

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ROUNDFIRE Large Rectangle Tabletop Fire Pit

ROUNDFIRE Large Rectangle Tabletop Fire Pit

The graphite-coloured concrete of the Roundfire portable fire pit boasts a stunning design that can elevate the look of any garden.

To ensure your table and surfaces are protected from the heat produced by the fire, the fire pit comes with a felt base that dissipates the heat.

This portable fire pit uses bio ethanol fuel, which is a clean and renewable energy source. To ensure safety, we recommend using premium bioethanol fuels.

Compared to other similar-sized tabletop fires, the Roundfire portable fireplace provides a longer burn time of over one hour. This is thanks to the ceramic wool insert that has proven to increase burn time and efficiency.

The tabletop fire pit is not just a source of warmth, but also an excellent centerpiece for your table.

Its stylish design and portability make it easy to transport indoors or outdoors, creating a warm and cosy atmosphere in your living room or serving as a fireplace on your garden, patio, or balcony. You can even use it to cook smores or marshmallows, making it a versatile addition to your tabletop decor.

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Are Bio Ethanol Fire Pits Cheap to Run?

Compared to some other fuel sources, such as natural gas or propane, bio ethanol fire pits can be relatively expensive to run. However, the cost of running a bio ethanol fire pit will depend on several factors, including the size of the fire pit, the frequency and duration of use, and the cost of bio ethanol fuel in your area.

Bio ethanol fuel can be more expensive than other fuel sources, such as wood or propane, but it burns more cleanly and produces no smoke or ash. In general, the cost of bio ethanol fuel can range from around $3 to $5 per hour of burn time, depending on the size of the fire pit and the brand of fuel you use.

It’s worth noting that the cost of running a bio ethanol fire pit may be offset by the convenience and ease of use that it offers. Bio ethanol fire pits require no special installation or ventilation, and they’re easy to move around your outdoor living space as needed. So while the fuel costs may be higher, the overall cost of owning and operating a bio ethanol fire pit may be lower than other types of fire pits when you factor in the convenience and ease of use.

Can you use a Bio Ethanol Fire Pit Inside?

It is generally safe to use a bio ethanol fire pit inside as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and take necessary safety precautions.

However, it’s important to note that bio ethanol fire pits produce real flames and can generate heat, so it’s crucial to ensure that you have proper ventilation in the room where you plan to use the fire pit. This means having windows or doors open to allow for air circulation and the release of any potentially harmful gases.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the bio ethanol fire pit is placed on a flat and stable surface away from any flammable materials, such as curtains, furniture, or rugs. You should also keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of sand nearby in case of emergency.

Some bio ethanol fire pit models are designed specifically for indoor use, with safety features like automatic shut-off mechanisms and temperature sensors. If you’re considering using a bio ethanol fire pit inside your home, it’s recommended that you choose a model that is specifically designed for indoor use and meets the safety standards for your area. Be sure to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions and follow all safety precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

How Long Will a Litre of Bio Ethanol Fuel Burn For?

The burn time of a litre of bioethanol fuel can vary depending on the size of the bio ethanol fire pit and the burn rate of the specific model. However, as a general rule of thumb, a litre of bioethanol fuel can burn for approximately 3-5 hours in a standard-sized bio ethanol fire pit.

It’s important to note that the burn time can also be affected by other factors, such as the size and quality of the burner and the intensity of the flame. Additionally, the burn time can be shorter or longer depending on how much fuel is used per burn and the frequency of use.

To maximize the burn time of your bio ethanol fire pit, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and use the recommended amount of fuel for each use. You can also adjust the intensity of the flame to conserve fuel and extend the burn time.

Do Bio Ethanol Fire Pits Provide Much Heat?

Bioethanol fire pits can provide a considerable amount of heat, but the amount of heat they produce will depend on several factors, including the size of the fire pit, the fuel consumption rate, and the placement of the fire pit.

Compared to other types of fire pits, such as wood-burning fire pits, bioethanol fire pits generally produce less heat. However, bioethanol fire pits are still capable of generating enough heat to keep you warm and comfortable in your outdoor living space.

The heat output of a bioethanol fire pit can be affected by the size of the burner and the amount of fuel being used. In general, a larger burner and a higher fuel consumption rate will result in a higher heat output. It’s also important to consider the placement of the fire pit, as the heat output can be affected by factors such as wind and ambient temperature.

To get the most heat out of your bioethanol fire pit, it’s recommended that you choose a model that is appropriately sized for your outdoor living space and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. You can also adjust the fuel consumption rate and the intensity of the flame to achieve the desired level of heat output.

Are Bio Fire Pits Allowed in Smoke-controlled Zones?

The use of bio fires, including bio ethanol fire pits, in smoke-controlled zones is subject to local regulations and laws. In general, bio fires are considered to be cleaner-burning than traditional wood-burning fires, so are more likely to be allowed in smoke-controlled zones.

However, it’s important to check with your local authority to determine whether bio fires are allowed in your area. Some local authorities may have specific regulations regarding the use of bio fires, including restrictions on the type or size of bio fire that is allowed.

If you live in a smoke-controlled zone and are considering using a bio ethanol fire pit, it’s recommended that you consult with your local authority and follow any regulations or guidelines that are in place. This will help ensure that you’re using your bio ethanol fire pit safely and in compliance with local laws.


In conclusion, bio ethanol fire pits are a popular and eco-friendly option for heating your outdoor living space. They burn bio ethanol fuel, which is a renewable energy source made from plant materials. Bio ethanol fire pits are convenient and easy to use, and they produce no smoke or ash, making them a cleaner-burning option than traditional wood-burning fire pits.

When using a bio ethanol fire pit, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and take necessary safety precautions to avoid potential hazards. It’s also important to consider the cost of bio ethanol fuel and the heat output of your fire pit when choosing a model that is appropriate for your needs.

If you’re considering using a bio ethanol fire pit, it’s recommended that you research local regulations and laws regarding the use of bio fires, including any restrictions on the type or size of fire pit that is allowed. By following these guidelines and taking necessary safety precautions, you can enjoy the warmth and ambiance of a bio ethanol fire pit in your outdoor living space while minimising your impact on the environment.

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